Alika Training

About us
Alika Investments Training Academy; We accredited by Transport Education Training Authority No. TETA16-683 and Registered with South African Labor Department as Training Service Provider No.688.
We fully equipped and qualified to offer training in Lifting & Earthmoving machinery operating, Safety Courses like Basic Firefighting, Basic First Aid, HIV & Aids awareness at work Place, OHS etc
We also have various MOUs with Accredited Institutions like Construction Education Training Authority CETA), Manufacturing Engineering and Related Services in Education and Training (MERSETA), soon with Department of Higher Education & QCTO.
HIV & AIDS Awareness at work Place, 1Day Course
(Highly recommended to your Entire Employee), South. African Government & Labour Dept. recommends all Companies to offer HIV & Aids Training to all your employees once every year, It beneficial to your company and Employee in stopping the spread & Containing of the HIV & AIDS , The Government “REBATE” Companies as you can claim back all the money spend during training if your company pays Skills levies to SARS. Contact us to day and speak to one of our expert.
Course Registration
All Course available on daily basis. We enroll students daily! come to register & start training, Now you can register and pay online or Visit our Office
Most recommended to every company
Safety Courses: Basic First Aid & Basic Firefighting at work Place, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Contact us for free quotation, evaluation etc
Lifting Machinery Operators Training Courses:
Forklift F1 to F4, Mobile Cranes, Truck Mounted Crane, Defined Purpose Lift Trucks, Tower Cranes, Over Head Cranes, Telescopic Boom Handler, Reach Starker, Reach Truck, Cherry Picker, Power pallet etc.
Earth Moving Like:
TLB, Excavator, ADT,777, Grader, Loader Bobcat etc We do Assessments and Renew Operators Machinery License. We teach students the value of productivity and to use their strengths with highly